About Us
Who We Are?
Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) is the first inclusive Association which is supplied with all regional adopted standards and Principles. The majority of Afghan journalists from all provinces of Afghanistan, Media outlets, different ethnics and regions with diversified perspectives have been involved in establishment and management of its main activities So far. In 2003, for the first time, when Afghan journalists were put under pressure, censor, restrictions and threats by warriors involved in power, influential and powerful figures, Jihadi commanders and government officials, none of the current defending organizations were existed, then a group of well-known and prominent journalists jointly with support of International media agencies, Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) was established

Our History:
Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) is the first inclusive Association which is supplied with all regional adopted standards and Principles.
The majority of Afghan journalists from all provinces of Afghanistan, Media outlets, different ethnics and regions with diversified perspectives have been involved in establishment and management of its main activities So far.
In 2003, for the first time, when Afghan journalists were put under pressure, censor, restrictions and threats by warriors involved in power, influential and powerful figures, Jihadi commanders and government officials, none of the current defending organizations were existed, then a group of well-known and prominent journalists jointly with support of International media agencies, Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) was established.
Then with collaboration of International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), after elections in different provinces throughout Afghanistan, a congress was held on July 19th 2005 in Kabul city of Afghanistan. On first day of this event, AIJA bylaw was adopted and on the second day, its executive committee (Director, Deputy Directors and Secretariats) were selected with presence of observing and partner organizations. As of establishment, this association provided the opportunity for building the professional skills and capacities of journalists and further strived to supply all journalists with journalism adopted principles and standards.
On the initial phases of establishment, this association had appointed only one representative in each province of Afghanistan. In, late 2015, AIJA board of directors with consultation of IFJ, for further improvement of its undertakings in different areas as well as involvement of all journalists in selection process of its electoral structure, it was decided that the same as main office structure, provincial structures should be established including (director, deputy director, secretariat, defending committee, women journalists’ committee and youth committee). This process has been carried out in several provinces and will be continued in the rest of provinces as well.
Since 2002, AIJA as official agency IF and RSF partner is defending Afghan journalists and after August 15th, (collapse of former Afghan government) has defended journalists’ rights, because they were facing the worst moments of their lives, that is why, all afghan journalists refer to this prestigious media organization, share their concerns and receive positive counseling.
After collapse of Afghan’s former government on August 15th 2021, AIJA’s license was cancelled, then AIJA hold the general assembly meeting with presence of journalists from over the country and after a 2-days discussion, revised the bylaw and changed Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) to Afghan Independent Journalists Union (AIJU).