Television International Day

The 21st of November is the World Television Day

In 1996, the United Nations General Assembly named November 21st as World Television Day.
The purpose of naming this day as World Television Day was to encourage countries to exchange television programs, especially programs for the spread of peace, social and economic development, and the strengthening of the cultural assets of societies.

After the opening of the first television in Afghanistan in 1357, until 22 years ago, national television operated only in the center and a number of provinces.
The findings of the AIJU show that from 1380 to the beginning of 1402 Hijri, 140 visual media were allowed to operate in the country, including two new TVs, 86 TVs are currently operating in the country, and 54 TV broadcasts in the last ten years and recent political changes have stopped due to economic problems.
Of course, the evaluations of the AIJU show that on the one hand, the active televisions are facing a lack of content due to economic problems it causes the loss of professional staff, but they have turned to another important mission, namely educational and cultural programs. .